Our Promises

Founded in 1997, Altrius is derived from the Latin word altus and the English word altruism. Together, these two words convey the ideal of “reaching ever higher, placing the welfare of our clients before our own.”

How Altrius works with you:

We promise

to “eat what we cook” and invest side-by-side our clients, owning substantially the same stocks and bonds as you do in order to align our interests together.

We promise

full transparency so you understand what you own and what you pay us – and that you’ll never pay commissions to Altrius.

We promise

to invest in companies that have shown a record of steady and growing dividends, to dig deep for value and to assess risk through our top-down macro view.

We promise

to view each company in which we invest not as a stock certificate to be traded in the short term, but as a long term investment in a business.

We promise

to remain independent and 100% employee owned.

We promise

to publish our performance and to remain in compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).